Showing posts with label Dataware Housing Concept. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dataware Housing Concept. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Dataware Housing Concept

Data warehousing concept is a process of collecting, organizing, and managing data from different data sources to create and provide useful business insights. 

The main features of a data warehouse are as below:

  • Subject Oriented- A data-ware house provides information about subject (area) of organization. like sales, marketing etc.
  • Integrated- A data warehouse integrates data from different heterogeneous sources. They should not have naming conflicts and differences between values of measures.
  • Non-Volatile- Non-volatile means, data should not be removed over the time. because data is used for analysis purpose.
  • Time Variant- Data in data warehouse changes with time. It stores more data as time passes.